Monday, June 7, 2010

The Tree of Life and the 116 pages

I'm pressed for time today so I did not read as much as I normally do. However I did read 1 Nephi 8 and 9 which are, of course, the Tree of Life vision and the reason for the secondary plates of Nephi.

The thing that stood out to me this read through of 1 Nephi 8 is actually concerning the great and spacious building. In 1 Nephi 8:26 I was struck by Lehi's words "...and it stood as it were in the air, high above the earth." This struck me as a little odd and very interesting. If the building is in the air, how do people enter it? The only conclusion of course is that those already inside have to help them. This in turn got me thinking, that when we turn away from the teachings of Jesus Christ, or even the things we know to be true by the light of Christ that is in us, (Moroni 7:16-17), it is usually due to some influence or at the behest of others. Just as the people in Lehi's dream tasted of the fruit and were ashamed and turned away, there are those who unlike Paul are "ashamed of the gospel of Christ" (Romans 1:16) and allow themselves to be pulled away by the cunning arts of the devil. It has always amused me to no end how the followers of the devil are constantly accusing the righteous men and women of the various dispensations of using the various tactics of their master to deceive them and lead them away into captivity when of course nothing could be further from the truth. The devil is skilled in his craft indeed.

But I digress. The floating building, where none may enter by their own power, but rather must be helped along their way by those who have already fallen. It got me thinking that even those who seem to fall away on their own and aren't overly influenced by peer pressure, are still helped along their way by those they see in the building living a riotous and wasteful life and are envious of the people's "freedom" from the restraints of God's commandments and thus approach those in the building and ask to be let up. And sadly the cost of admission to the great and spacious building seems a paltry to those desiring entrance and the rewards more than justify the cost. However, of course in the end the price of admission and fees for staying turn out to be the steepest price of all, one's very soul. I re-noticed several other points from the dream, but as mentioned was most struck by the building which can only be entered with the help of others.

I also read 1 Nephi 9 today which deals with the commandment to produce the small plates of Nephi in preparation of Joseph Smith losing the 116 pages to Martin Harris' wife and her confederates. A short chapter, only 6 verses, but powerful. I couldn't help but think of poor Joseph Smith when he first read this chapter and how it must have hurt to see that the Lord knew this would happen almost 2500 years before it did. But I think it might also have given him hope, hope that no matter how badly he might screw up and make a mistake, he wouldn't be able to upset the work of our Father in Heaven.

The other thought I had was of the faithfulness of Nephi in making these plates and never, in his lifetime, knowing what they were for. Like Nephi I have received many promptings from the Spirit which I have fulfilled which I do not to this day know why I was given them or asked to perform those tasks. I trust, that I shall know some day, even if only from the other side of the veil. But like Nephi I trust that each duty I have performed for the Lord without knowing the reason why has been "...for a wise purpose in him..." (1 Nephi 9:5). But what I take away from this chapter is not just the knowledge of the 116 pages but also a re-affirmation of listening to the Spirit and obeying His will so that I may be an instrument in His hands!

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