Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Their swords into plow-shares

2 Nephi 12 is quoting Isaiah chapter 2. The phrase that has always stood out to me is in verse 4 where it talks about a day where there will be such peace that all the people would turn their weapons of war into tools of trade.

I've often wondered what such peace would feel like? Here in the United States in Alabama we are about as far removed from war as a person can be I think. And yet, we still have crime here. We still have violent crime from time to time. And I can't help wonder what it would feel like to not have to worry anymore. To live anywhere we wanted among whatever people we wanted and not have to lock our doors. To see people and not stereotype them for good or for bad. To see people as true sons and daughters of our Father in Heaven and even better, to treat them as such. I have no way to know what that would feel like.

I personally feel I'm a pretty trusting individual, and yet I catch myself stereotyping folks all the time in my mind. My saving grace I guess is that I never act on those stereotypes and instead treat everyone equally. But I would like to get to the point to where I don't even think them. However, I think for that to happen we need to have a better world. A world where people have beaten their swords into plow-shares and their guns into nails. Until tomorrow.

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