Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Choose to be Happy and the Sons of Perdition

Today I read Hebrews 6 which talks about the Sons of Perdition. I have always wondered how someone can do the things it require to become a Son of Perdition. Paul says that the Sons of Perdition crucify the Savior anew and putting Him to open shame. These are those who know for a fact that Jesus Christ lives and is real and yet they go about actively trying to stop the work of Jesus Christ and proclaiming He is not real and does not exist. Such mockery and downright snubbing of Jesus' goodness and grace is not tolerated by God, nor should it be.

We don't typically talk about the Sons of Perdition because it is not a happy topic and because most of do not need to worry about becoming a Son of Perdition. Not only that, but it is a fact that what we focus on will be what we aspire to. That is why we always hear Conference talks about what we should be doing and how we should be behaving. It is SO important to make sure we are focused on the things of the Savior and doing what we should be doing. The scriptures say that where our treasure is there will our hearts be also. This also applies to doing what is right and living the Gospel.

When we have our hearts focused on the things of the Spirit, we will be more happy and more content with life. We will not flutter about and go from every whim of fancy that strikes us. The Gospel provides stability and helps us know what the best thing for us to do and what for us will make us truly happy. It is always up to us to choose what path we want to travel and what we want to be doing. But why would we choose anything other than happiness? Most do and I never can understand it. I am so very thankful that I have known about the Gospel my entire life and I did not have to search for it. I am truly fortunate to have the Gospel in my life. I hope you too are happy with where you are in your life, and if you are not, change it. Until tomorrow.

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