Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Gift of the Holy Ghost

Today I read Doctrine and Covenants section 35 which was given to Sidney Rigdon. Sidney Rigdon had been a preacher before hearing the gospel and becoming converted and the Lord makes reference to it when He says that Sidney had baptized those that came unto him, but he had never given the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Once, Joseph was asked what is the one thing that sets us apart from other religions. His answer was the gift of the Holy Ghost. All religions have the scriptures, while it is true we have the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price, every other religion out there has the scriptures of some sort or another. All other religions believe they can commune with God and some of them even feel He answers back so revelation is not unique either. However, none other religion, at the time, claimed to have a member of the Godhead as a constant companion throughout this life. It is truly what sets us apart.

It's so important that when Paul, in ancient days came across those who had been baptized and heard that they had not received the gift of the Holy Ghost, he re-baptized them and gave them the gift of the Holy Ghost. It is the most special gift a person can receive, and once you become accustomed to His presence, if you do something to make Him leave, you will feel it. And if you really drive Him away too long it can take even longer to invite Him back into your life. But just as Heavenly Father will forgive us our trespasses, so too will the Holy Ghost trust us again and eventually come back into our lives if we will clean up our act and make ourselves a worthy receptacle of His presence.

The rest of the section deals with the condition of the world at that time, like a lot of sections in the Doctrine and Covenants. I really liked the part of the section where the Lord said that none do good except those who are ready to receive His gospel. That's kind of the same situation we have today. The only people who consistently do what is good and right are those who desire to serve God. It kind of goes back to our discussion a few days ago of why do people do that which is good and right? There really are those that desire the things of God.

Have you ever had a moment where you saw/heard something that just made you so uncomfortable and ill at ease that you just had to do something to change the situation? I sometimes get that way and makes me sad is almost every time it happens I look around and there are literally hundreds if not thousands around me having the time of their lives. It makes me feel like I don't belong here, in this society, on this world. I'm sure many of you have had similar experiences before. That is because you are one of those who are accepting of His gospel and are one of those who desire to do good because it is who you are. That is why the Holy Ghost is your constant companion, or can be your constant companion at any rate. As we strive to do what is right and good in this life we will stand out but that is not a bad thing. It is a great thing to be different when everyone around you is not doing what God would have you do.

Stand tall, remember the scriptures that a city on a hill cannot be hid, nor is it meant to. We are meant to stand out and be witnesses of God at all times and in all places. Remember your baptismal covenants. Be that witness at all times and you will enjoy the companionship of the Holy Ghost at all times, which is truly a wonderful thing. Until tomorrow.

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