Sunday, January 29, 2012

Service through Joy and Happiness

Today I read Revelation 5 where all the elders and the animals from the last chapter worship Jesus and give Him glory. I have often wondered if Jesus where to come down to earth, just for a visit for some reason, do you think He would do so with fanfare and trumpets or do you think that 99% of the people He came into contact with would not even know it was Him? I think the latter.

I just watched a video that someone posted on Facebook of a police officer who was killed, but about 5 minutes before he was killed, he bought a young man a hamburger at a McDonalds and it was caught on tape. I think that there are always random acts of kindness all around us that we either fail to notice or aren't meant to notice. We hear from time to time about the people that are doing good in the world, people like Mother Theresa, and Gandhi. People that Jesus spoke about in the Sermon on the Mount. People whose only reward is the ability to help people. People whose left hand don't know what their right hand is doing.

I have been told a quote that I don't remember who is supposed to have said it, but it states that you can get a lot accomplished as long as you don't care who gets the credit. If your goal is just to help people, you can accomplish a lot. We are told from time to time in church that we should be praying for spiritual experiences or for people to be put in our way that we can share the Gospel with. I say we should also be praying for someone to help. Each and everyday we can pray to recognize those that Heavenly Father has purposefully put in our path to help.

Helping people doesn't even have to be something big and grand. I once got a blessing that stated I was able to help people just by my happy attitude. The blessing stated that I once helped a total stranger that I never even said a word to in a grocery store just by smiling and laughing and having a pleasant time shopping in college. I will be honest that I don't remember the experience because I try and be happy all the time, it's much more pleasant and enjoyable to be happy. I bring this up not to brag, but rather to show that when we live the Gospel and exhibit the traits that Jesus or Heavenly Father would if they were here, we can be an instrument in their hands. It's as simple as choosing to be happy no matter what and then putting it into practice.

Jesus, when He was on the earth, spent His entire ministry helping others. He never stopped doing things for other people. Even when He hung in agony on the cross, He was thinking about His earthly mother and making sure she was going to be cared for. If we want to be like He was, we need to also care more for those around us than we do for ourselves. It is hard to do at first, but the more you do it, the easier it becomes. And it is oh so worth it. Try it if you haven't. You won't be disappointed. Until tomorrow.

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