Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Enter into His Rest

Today I read Revelation 7 where the 144,000 are sealed to Jesus Christ. I have never really understood what this is referring to. For starters, I believe there will be way more than 144,000 people who make it to the Celestial Kingdom. I mean there are almost 7 billion people on the earth right now, and we believe the earth has been around for at least 4000 years, much longer if you believe the scientists, that is a LOT of people. Surely out of all those people more than the 144,000 are righteous enough to receive God's greatest gift. So I have never understood what this part is supposed to be saying.

The rest of the chapter seems to be another proclamation that Jesus will give us rest. Or in other words, that He will take our burdens away from us, help us to be better. I for one am very grateful that this sentiment is repeated so often throughout the scriptures, it is something that I, a mortal and prone to getting discouraged, need to be reminded of again and again. Living in the world it can be so hard to remain positive at times and to remember what we are striving for. Instead we are constantly bombarded by all the evil in the world and it is way too easy to get discouraged and forget what we are striving for.

But when we keep an eternal perspective and have little reminders up everywhere, it is a lot easier to remain positive and to do what is right throughout the day. And honestly who wants to be part of the world anyway? Look what kind of shape it's in. The world complains about the church and numerous things about the church, but honestly, which would you rather be a part of? It's like that old story about the Christian leader and Muslim leader, which I'm not sure is true, but the Muslim leader says that his God teaches him and his followers to kill all infidels, meaning all those that don't believe as they believe. And then the Christian leader says that his God teaches us to love everyone no matter what. I'm not sure I believe the story but it teaches an excellent point. Matthew wrote that by their fruits you may know them. Look around you at the fruit of the world. Do you like what you see? Now look at the fruit of Christians, especially Latter-day Saints. No it's not perfect, no one on this earth is, but it's a LOT better than the alternative! You decide. Until tomorrow.


  1. Footnote to Rev. 7:4 leads to D&C 77:11 which answers who the 144,000 are.

  2. Fred,
    I just found your blog. I would recommend the following blog article to get a sense of where the 144,000 fit in. ( http://unblogmysoul.wordpress.com/2011/06/17/the-order-of-things/ ) This is not my blog, but the 144,000 is discussed on there many times. That blog has helped me understand many things.
