Wednesday, June 15, 2011

That Which Cometh Out of the Mouth Defileth Man

Today I read Matthew chapter 15. The majority of the chapter is the Savior talking to the scribes and then He feeds another multitude miraculously with just a few loaves and fishes. The scribes asked the Lord why His disciples did follow he traditions of the elders. I think it is interesting that they freely admitted that it was not part of the law, but was just a tradition. Now, to their way of thinking, that was just as important. The Savior disabuses them of that thought very quickly though.

The Savior responds to them by asking them why they transgress the commandments by following their traditions. Now, remember, He was talking to the scribes, not the Pharisees so they probably knew the law backwards and forwards and yet placed more emphasis on their traditions than they did the law. Jesus cites the example of the law says to honor thy father and they mother, but according to their traditions, they could say whatever they wanted to the father and the mother and it didn't matter. Thus because they placed more emphasis on their traditions, they were ignoring the laws and the reasons the laws were given.

I love how the Savior still uses this as a teachable moment though despite the scribes trying to trap Him. The scribes had asked Jesus why His disciples did not follow the tradition of washing their hands immediately before eating. Jesus tells the multitude that it is not that which comes into the body from the outside that defiles a man, but rather that which comes out of the man's mouth that defiles him. He does on to explain that whatever we eat, it will go into the belly and thus only affects the body that way. However, what we say is a reflection of our heart and what is important to us.

Now, Jesus is saddened because His Apostles do not understand what He is saying to them so He goes on to explain to them that anything that is eaten goes to the belly and in due time is expelled out of the body. However, that which comes out of the mouth is a true reflection on who we are. The Savior gives a few examples such as the heart is where adultery, fornication originate, lies, theft and so on and so forth. So truly it is that which leaves a man that will defile him. For it is a bad thing to have those thoughts to begin with, however it is even worse to act on them.

This life is all about preparing to return to live with God. We are only going to be comfortable in His presence if we are the type of person that He is. He finds pleasure in keeping the commandments. Do we? He finds pleasure in the chastity of women. Do we? He finds pleasure in helping others. Do we? We have talked before hand on how the judgement is not so much a giant checklist of what we did and did not accomplish, but rather a thorough examination on what we have chose to become. The Lord will not force us to return to live with Him, although I am sure He would like us to return to live with Him, He loves us too much to force it on those that want nothing to do with Him. I bring this up because as I said, it really isn't a good thing to have such thoughts in the first place, but if all we do is have those thoughts and we don't act on them, the Lord will help us learn to control those thoughts and to overcome the desires that spawn such thoughts. But if we are acting on such thoughts, He will leave us to our own devices.

Heavenly Father loves us too much to force us into anything, as we said above. This is life is our time to decide what we truly want and we all do with a few exceptions. Make sure you are living the life you want to live. I was talking with a friend one day not too long ago about golf. He was frustrated that when he played golf, all too often the ball was not going where he was aiming. A third friend then wisely replied that the ball always went where you aimed, unless you sliced or hooked it, you are just aiming in the wrong place. It got me thinking about people and this life. We are all going where we are aiming ourselves to go. Do we know where we are aimed? In gold you are aiming where your hips are pointing. In life, you need to examine the type of choices you are making and you will know where you are aimed. Just food for thought. Until tomorrow.

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