Friday, June 10, 2011

Jesus Calls His Apostles

Today I ream Matthew 10, where Jesus chooses His Twelve Disciples. In this chapter He also sends them out to preach the word of God and gives them instructions on how they should conduct themselves. In modern day times we are told that everyone has to have the chance to hear the Gospel and be given the chance to accept it. I have often wondered just what a true "chance" to hear and accept the Gospel is like. I bring this up because in this chapter the Lord tells His Apostles that if a city rejects them they are to wash the dust of their feet off as a testimony against that city and its inhabitants.

I'm thankful that I am not the one who has to determine what a true opportunity to hear and accept the Gospel looks like. I'm also glad I did not live in the day and age where they went out without purse or script, although I have no doubt in my mind that the Lord did indeed take care of them while they were out and preaching His word unto the Jews, and again in the early years of this dispensation. That would require a lot of faith to not know where your next meal is coming from. Or where you were going to sleep that night. But they were about the Lord's business and the Lord did indeed take care of them as they later come back to report to Jesus after they go out and preach His word.

I've often wondered if when the Savior walked the earth, in particular when He was doing His ministry, just how prevalent the Holy Ghost was on the earth? Was the Holy Ghost still testifying of the truthfulness of the Lord's words? It is my understanding that the Gift of the Holy Ghost was not given while Jesus walked the earth because there was already a member of the Godhead present on the earth. So just how prevalent WAS the Spirit? The only reason I even bring it up is because in verse 20 Jesus tells them that it would not be them that did the speaking, but rather the Spirit of their Father that was in them. Now, one could take that a couple of different ways. It could mean that because they would be speaking the things of the Spirit they would be communicating more on a Spiritual level than a physical level. Or it could mean that they would have the Spirit about them and it would give them what they should say.

Either way would be correct if we were speaking of modern day missionaries, but for missionaries during the time of the Savior, I'm really not sure. The final thought that comes to me from today's reading is from verse 39 where the Savior tells us that he who would try and save His life shall lose it and he that shall lose his life for the sake of the Gospel, or the Savior will find it. I have often found many different interpretations to this scripture throughout the years and I believe I have discussed them in the past but it bears repeating I think. I think the most obvious interpretation is that if you lose your life, or give up what you want, in order to spread the Gospel and do as the Lord wants us to do, then we will find eternal life in the life to come.

However, I think an equally true interpretation is that when we lose our lives, or give up what we want, for the sake of another, that is when we truly begin to live. In other words, if we live a life of service, that is the most meaningful life anyone can live. Just ask my wife. She spends 90% of her day doing things for my daughter and it makes her very happy to live that way. And anyone who has lived a live that is primarily service will tell you the same thing. Ask any missionary who is serving their mission the way he/she is supposed to and they will tell you that it was the happiest time of their lives or that they love it. That's because service breeds love and happiness. And all you need to do to test that theory out is go put it into practice. You will not be disappointed.

Now, it is possible to lose your life in service for God without actually being a full time missionary. all you have to do is continue to serve those around you. When you see someone in need, stop and help them. When they ask for volunteers at church to assist in something, volunteer if you are available. You will be glad you did. Few things in this life are as worthwhile as service. And it always brings incredible peace and joy to those that perform the service. Again, all you have to do is give it a try and you will not be sorry. I believe it is because when we give service to others, we allow the Spirit into our hearts and of course when we feel the Spirit we feel joy. The reason for that is because that is our purpose for being here, remember? Men are that they might have joy, in the appropriate fashions of course. But Heavenly Father wants us to be happy. Doesn't it make sense then that the things He tells us to do or asks of us would bring us joy? It does to me. Until tomorrow.

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