Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Savior Dies

Today I read 3 Nephi 8, there is not a lot to say about this chapter really. I often wonder at what is meant by the phrase "the whole face of the land was changed". I have often wondered if everything that can be different is now different. I have no way of knowing of course like all of my musings but it is always fun.

I am however curious why the Lord had there be 3 days of darkness in the Western Hemisphere. Of course I get why it lasted 3 days, it is a symbol of Christ's physical body lying in darkness for 3 days. But what I am asking is why did the Lord desire to have such a literal symbol, and why was it only in the America's? Many scholars have theorized that the darkness was caused by ash in the air from volcanoes and the fires of the cities and I am inclined to believe them due to the fact that it says they could feel the vapor in the air.

But for me I am mostly curious why it was done at all. We know not everyone who was saved were righteous, they were just more righteous than their brethren. Some of them still had some repenting to do. I do not have an answer to why this particular sign was given save it was what the people needed. The Lord does not do things that are not for our benefit. We may not understand what that benefit to us is, but there is a benefit.

I do want to point out though that even though some of the wicked were spared, I do believe most if not all of the righteous were spared. So again we are taught the lesson that if you want to have the best chance at a full life, we need to be living a righteous life. The prophets and apostles have taught us time and again that a righteous man(or woman) will not be taken home before their time. As we strive to be the best people we can be, we can take comfort in that if we are doing our best to live the gospel as we should be, we need not fear death. I use that terminology on purpose. We may still die very, very early if we are righteous, but we don't need to worry about it or have concern over our death. We have the comfort of knowing it will not be by some accident or mistake and that our lot will be a good one after this life. And if you think about it, that's all we can really ask for from this life. Until tomorrow.

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