Sunday, October 3, 2010

They were not slow to remember the Lord their God

Today I read Alma 55, where Moroni frees all the Nephite prisoners without having to kill a single Lamanite. I really like how Moroni was not a bloodthirsty man and that even though it would have been easier to kill all the guards while they slept, it was not in his nature to kill wantonly.

Aside from the brilliant tactic of how he freed his prisoners without killing anyone, the part of the chapter that stood out to me is the end where it talks about how the Lamanites tried many times to use strategy on the Nephites and how it never worked out for the Lamanites. And Mormon states that the reason it never worked was because the Nephites were not slow to remember the Lord their God and thus he protected them.

That is really neat to me because the Lord still protects us to this day if we just remember Him and keep His commandments. Sometimes the Lord is not so miraculous in saving us. Mormon records that sometimes the Lamanites tried to poison the Nephites with wine and the Nephites thought to give some to the Lamanite prisoners first. That is not very miraculous, but it is still Divine intervention. Anytime the Lord has prepared us to accomplish something, that is His help. How many people do you know that for example would be driving around, late for an appointment asking God to help them find a parking space. When they look up they see a car leaving and then instead of thanking God for His help say, never mind God, I found one.

Whether or not God really did help that person find a spot to park, when such things happen to me, I always thank God anyway. I like to think that my needs are not so small to Him that He doesn't take notice. I prefer to think that the reason that person at that exact moment pulled out of the parking spot, was because of the gentle urgings of the Spirit directed by Heavenly Father to meet my needs. I may be wrong, but what does it hurt to give the glory to God anyway? The scriptures teach that in nothing is God's wrath kindled save in those who confess not His hand in all things.

Now, sometimes the Lord saves us in miraculous ways. I remember one day, I was driving downtown to pick up some friends for lunch. It was raining and the roads were wet. I came to a very, very sharp curve and oddly enough, no one was around me. That was very strange as this stretch of road is very busy. Well when I took the curve I was going a little too fast and my back end swung out to the right of me before I could do anything to stop it. To my horror I turned completely around so I was facing the wrong way and was sliding very quickly towards the concrete barrier which would severely damage my car and me in the process. Suddenly when I was a foot from the barrier, my car stopped, so suddenly that it jolted me, almost like I have hit something, but I hadn't, the car had just stopped right before slamming into the concrete barrier. As I collected my wits, the first car I had seen in 30 seconds came around the curve much more slowly than usual and stopped so I could correct my car and continue on my journey. Say what you will, God saved me that day and nothing you can say to the contrary can convince me otherwise. Even a friend of mine that I told the story to later the next day who is not LDS commented that I was saved by God because of righteous living.

It always amazes me that people can not believe in God. I had an atheist friend at another job ask me once why I believed in God. I felt to echo Alma to Korihor and ask how he could not believe considering all the evidences that are there. Instead I told him I have seen too many evidences that convince me God is there, He watches us, and He loves me. And I stand by that sentiment today with the advice to confess His hand in ALL things, whether you think you did it on your own or not. Just remember that He created you and has guided your life so you could have the experience you needed to help you through that experience that you are convinced you did on your own. He loves you and watches over you and will help you if you but ask Him. Until tomorrow.

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