Saturday, May 7, 2011

Joseph Smith - Prophet, Seer and Martyr

Today I read Doctrine and Covenants section 135 which is actually not a revelation but rather the testimony of John Taylor concerning the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith. I have always felt a special affinity for Joseph Smith, even as a young child and when I reach the other side, aside from being reunited with family and the Savior, he is the person I am most anxious to meet. It is probably because he and I share the same birth date.

As a child my parents took our family on several vacations to famous church sites. I've been to Liberty, Missouri and seen the jail cell that Joseph and others shared for 6 months. I've been to Nauvoo and walked the streets and been to the temple site. I remember being annoyed that my parents would not let me climb on the few stones that were still present in the temple's foundation. I quite understand now why they, rightly so, did not allow me to play and climb on them, but I was quite put out with them at the time. We also went to Carthage Jail. At that time there was still blood on the floor and bullet holes in the doorway. We also listened to a tape recording of a dramatization of the events that happened on that fateful day of June 27th. It made a very big impression on me as a child.

When I was a missionary, we had a set course that were to study up to a point. After that point we were allowed to pick our own area of study that was approved by the Mission President. I chose to study Joseph Smith's life. I have read probably a half a dozen different biographies, my favorite being the one by George Q. Cannon and Lucy Mack Smith. One scene that always has stood out to me was the night before they went to Carthage Jail. The Prophet had been warned to flee and so he left with Hyrum and a few others. After they crossed the Mississippi river they stopped and looked back. Joseph was about to keep riding and then he and Hyrum had a conversation. Joseph said that if he went back it would be to his death but Hyrum was convinced that they needed to have faith and everything would be alright. Again Joseph stated that if they returned he would die but he trusted Hyrum and they returned. Sadly, Joseph was right and in this instance, Hyrum was wrong.

Just before my wife and I started dating, a close friend of ours, actually the friend who introduced us to each other, got married. She decided to get married in the Nauvoo temple. My wife sadly did not get to attend but my sister and I drove up and my sister acted as the photographer for the wedding. We were only there that one day but we made a special trip up to Carthage Jail. Now they do not have bloodstains on the floor and the bullet holes in the door are all filled in, but the sacredness of that room and the Spirit that I felt there is every bit as strong as any temple. If you have not gone I strongly suggest that you make the time and effort to visit Nauvoo and especially Carthage Jail. The Nauvoo temple is especially beautiful also if you have the time.

Lastly I leave my testimony of Joseph Smith along with all those that have gone before. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet. I know that he saw God the Father and Jesus Christ that spring morning in 1820. I know that he translated the Book of Mormon and received all these revelations that we have been studying these past months. I know that he gave his life for this work. I know that, just as John Taylor said, he has done more for the salvation of mankind save Christ Himself. I know that when I die, after I bathe Christ's feet in my tears and kisses, that I will hug that wonderful man and thank him for all he did and for all he sacrificed for us all. That is my testimony and I leave it with you in Christs name. Amen. Until tomorrow.

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