Monday, May 16, 2011

Adam and Eve are Cast out of the Garden

Today I read Moses 4, where Satan tempts Eve and then Eve gives Adam the forbidden fruit and they are cast out of the Garden of Eden. There are lots of things in this story that I have always found very interesting. For example, I have often wondered if the snake actually had legs prior to this. I will find out some day, and I will find out the answer to all the rest of my questions one day.

It's not in this version, but in one of the versions of the creation story, Satan does not seem to think he is doing anything wrong. Now, of course we know that his real goal and purpose was to try and frustrate the plan of God so we know that is bogus to begin with, but he really does seem non-concerned with his actions. My personal belief is because he knew what the Lord was eventually going to do with Adam and Eve. In the same version of the creation story, God and Jesus tell Adam and Eve that they will be back to further instruct them. Well, what else was there for God to talk to Adam and Eve about? They had already told them the commandments, what else was there to teach them? My personal thoughts are that if Satan had not come along, God Himself would eventually have come down and talked with Adam and Eve and helped them understand the choice before them. He could not command them to partake of the fruit, because God cannot command someone to do something He has explicitly told them not to do. But He could explain the choice to them and the consequences to each course of action. That is my personal thought anyway.

And we know it was the mind of God that Adam and Eve partake of the fruit. He knew it was going to happen and had planned for it. That is why Satan fell in the first place. I personally think Satan was further punished because he once again tried to take the place of God. But the other thing I find extremely interesting, is that when Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden, God commanded Jesus to clothe Adam and Eve. Now, God does not give them clothing made from linen of even leaves sewed together like Adam and Eve had tried to do. No, He commands Jesus to give them coats made from skin, the skins of animals. I find this incredibly interesting because there are so many people these days that think it is cruel to use animals for food and/or clothing, and yet when God had His pick of anything in the world to use to give Adam and Eve clothing, He chose to use animals. I do not really know why He chose to do that since it would have taken no time at all for Him to create clothing out of linen or cotton or any other type of fiber.

I also think it is significant that Adam and Eve are commanded to work after they are cast out of the Garden. While they were in the Garden they were able to just eat of the fruit in the Garden without any thought at all. We have already discussed how God is a God of work and it only makes sense that we work as well. It does not make sense and goes against the natural order of things to get something for nothing. It also lessens the value of something when you get it for nothing. Have you ever gotten something as a gift, didn't really care too much about it and so let it go to waste? But then something else that you saved up for, spent a lot of money on it, that is something you take care of and make sure to protect no matter what. I believe it is because we can value it more when we have toiled for it ourselves.

So, not so much lessons, but those are the questions I always take away from this story every time I read it. I know that someday I will have my answers and I can't wait to find them out. In the meantime I have a lot of fun just pondering on them and seeing what I can come up with on my own. I invite you to do the same. Until tomorrow.

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