Sunday, May 15, 2011

Adam and Eve were Married in the Garden of Eden

Today I read Moses 3, it is an interesting chapter where the Lord reveals that not only were all of mankind created spiritually before they were created physically, but all of His creations were created in their spirit form before they were created physically. This is really significant because it lets us know that all things, even the earth itself have a spirit. I was never one of those little boys that delighted in tormenting little animals and bugs. I was always really nice to stray cats and loved to pet the dogs in the neighborhoods. Even while catching crawdads in the creek behind our house, after I was done looking at them I would gently put them back in the water. I have never understood why so many people just seem to have a cruel streak in them, almost from birth. I wonder if more people understood that the animals they are being so mean to have spirits if it would change their attitude and how they treat them? Perhaps not.

As fascinating as it is though that all things have a spirit, it is not what has always impressed me about this chapter. This chapter is where I first realized, years ago, probably while on my mission that Adam and Eve were married in the Garden of Eden. In 3 of the 4 accounts of the creation, while still in the garden, Eve is referred to as Adam's wife. This is significant for several reasons.

First, when Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden, there was no death in the world. This tells us that as Adam and Eve were married in a state where there was no death, their marriage was not meant to end. How silly it would have been for God to conclude their marriage with, "till death do you part" when there was no death to do the parting! Marriage, even from the beginning, was meant to be eternal and unbreakable. Divorce was certainly not an option as there was no one else to choose from so we can rule out divorce as being of God. Now, I understand that in some cases divorce is needed so I am not saying if you get divorced you are going against the will of God, I am merely pointing out that we can conclude that divorce was not in the mind of God in the beginning.

Second, there is a common theme among some Christian religions that the reason Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden is because they had sex and that it was a sin for them to do so. Such doctrine is completely and utterly false. For starters, all 4 accounts of the creation agree that the reason mankind was expelled from the Garden is because they disobeyed God's command to abstain from eating of the fruit of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Secondly, they had been given a commandment to multiply and replenish the earth, and that can only happen through sexual intercourse. So even if they did in fact have sex while in the Garden of Eden, a claim that is unprovable either way since no record of it happening or not happening exists anywhere, they would have been following the commandments of God.

Finally, as we have pointed out, Adam and Eve were married. So if they had chosen to have sex while in the Garden, it would have been perfectly fine! Sex is not only allowed between a man and his wife, it is encouraged and helps bond them so that they can grow closer together and become one flesh. Now, perhaps even given this point there is an argument to be made that the Garden was a sacred place, much like a temple, and so it was forbidden to have sex in such a place. After all, married or not, I can't picture any faithful Latter-day Saint having sex in a temple, or even a chapel for that mater. There is a time and place for everything. But even thinking along these lines, I do not think that it would have been prohibited by God since based on the language He uses with Adam and Eve, He was clearly planning on them remaining in the Garden of Eden indefinitely. However, all this aside, it is still quite evident that the sin of Adam and Eve was disobeying God and partaking of the forbidden fruit, not any immoral sin.

I don't know about you, but to me it is a wonderful thing to know that marriage is not only ordained of God, but that even from the beginning it was meant to last beyond death, for eternity. Even if I were not a Latter-day Saint I think I would be intrigued by the knowledge that Adam and Eve were evidently married before there was death in the world. That would probably make me stop and think. However it is surprising to find that despite such clear language of "till death do you part" in almost all marriage ceremonies, most couples truly believe they will still be married in the next life. Evidently the Spirit whispers truths to us on a spiritual level and helps us to realize Gospel truths without even realizing it.

I hope you too can appreciate the significance of Adam and Eve having been married while in the Garden of Eden and the hope and joy it brings me and should bring you in your own marriage. I love my wife dearly and the thought of spending eternity by her side just fills me with happiness and makes me grin like a fool. I hope you love your spouse just as much and are just as excited about the prospect of spending eternity with him/her. Until tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. intercourse in the garden of Eden yes of course however Adam and eve could only have been in there for no more then a year more like 9 months?
    if eve was pregnant then a perfect child would be born in the garden.
    which would change the formula? meaning now if they sin after the taking of the fruit with the perfect child being born? what would that change?
    so am thinking that she could have been pregnant and then sinned and had the baby outside the garden?
