Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Missionary Work is a Duty and a Blessing

Today I read Doctrine and Covenants section 65. This section is not very long and mostly has to do with praising the Lord and the building up of the kingdom in His name. It quotes from the book of Daniel in the Bible about the stone cut without hands out of the mountain that rolls until it has filled the entire earth.

I've always felt that was an extremely unique analogy. If an actual stone did fall out of a mountain and proceeded to roll downhill, I would expect it to get smaller as it went along, not larger. As it strikes objects and chips away the rough edges it becomes smaller but smoother. But this stone representing the Lord's church is just the opposite. Despite the opposition it faces, it increases in size and beauty until it will one day fill the entire earth.

In a way that is a comfort if you think about it. The Lord is going to triumph in the end. Nothing Satan will do will be of any good in the long run. His victories are temporal only and he has no real power save that which we give him. He is bound by laws that the Lord has set. We are protected by Him who is mighty to serve as long as we do not transgress His laws. We will of course still be tempted and tried and bad things will most definitely still happen to us, but in the long run, we will be ok and the Lord will take care of our spiritual needs when we put our trust in Him.

We can also be part of this mighty work and do what little we can to assist the Lord in building the kingdom of Zion here on the earth. As a matter of fact we are required to if you are baptized. We will read in a later section, section 88, that who ever has been warned must needs warn his neighbor. Missionary work is very much a duty we as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have. And it is a very rewarding duty too. It is very fulfilling to have a friend or family member change their life for the better and either enter the waters of baptism or repent and return to full fellowship. Few things in life can match such feelings. It is a blessing that we are allowed to help in such a mighty work. I urge each of us to now squander our opportunities to help the Lord but to embrace this duty and see it for the wonderful blessing it truly is. Until tomorrow.

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