Saturday, September 18, 2010

Life after Death

Today I read Alma 40, the continuation of Alma's talk with his son Corianton. From what Alma writes in this chapter, his son Corianton, was very confused why the Lord would explain the plan of salvation so far in advance to mankind. Like Alma, I am left to wonder why he would be confused or troubled by this fact. I too believe a soul is just a precious before the Lord came to Earth as it is now.

As Alma proceeds to lay it all out for his son, we are given a glimpse into the Spirit world and what it will be like. Today was a wonderful, full day. Today I worked from 6:30 am until 2:30 pm when I then left for Stake Conference. For Stake Conference, Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles came and visited our stake. I was able to attend the Priesthood leadership sessions which was entirely a question and answer session and attend the adult Saturday evening session with Crys and Rayne.

Both sessions were wonderful and as Crys and I were eating dinner afterwords I was commenting on how wonderful it was to me that Elder Bednar commented on so many things that I have touched on in this blog and moreover, that what he said agrees 100% with what I have put here on my blog. That was a good feeling. One of the questions he was asked during the Priesthood session deals with exactly what Alma 40 talks about, the life after this one and the final judgment.

Elder Bednar mentioned that he shakes the hands of thousands of people every year and every time there are those that will not look him in the eye. He says it is because they are afraid of what he might see in them and that is the judgment right there! They are uncomfortable to be around him, because he radiates goodness and the Spirit. If they can't even stand to be around him, who is human, how and why would they want to be around Heavenly Father?

The most compelling part of this chapter for me though, is the fact that Alma doesn't feel the need to have it all figured out. He states that he knows there will be a resurrection, and that all will be resurrected, but he has no idea how it is all ultimately going to play out, and he's OK with that! That to me is very cool. How many people delve into the deep mysteries of the gospel, having to know every single detail, and yet, Alma who gets translated a few short months after this conversation with his son, is OK knowing it is all in God's hands.

Elder Bednar actually invited all the Priesthood brethren to study Mosiah 23 - Alma 40 to learn about leadership from Alma. From tonight's meetings, it is clear to me that Alma is one of his heroes, and I can understand why. Alma was a perfect example of ministering one to one, directly to the people, just like the Savior did. I thought it was pretty neat that I have spent the last month and then some studying those exact chapters and blogging about them.

As you can tell, my thoughts are really scattered right now. However, there truly is not very much I can expound on from chapter 40 right now, Alma puts it all so eloquently, and I am still full of the Spirit from Elder Bednar's talks. Perhaps next go around I will have more to say on Alma 40 than I have tonight. Perhaps not. Until tomorrow.

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