Saturday, October 29, 2011

Forgiveness, a Mercy

Today I read 2 Corinthians 2 which is yet another chapter on forgiveness and forgiving each other, especially our fellow Saints. At first I wondered at yet another chapter on this subject, but then I realized that people holding grudges and not forgiving one another was just as much an issue back then as it is now. It was an issue for the church and has always been an issue for mankind. Holding grudges, being offended, there are literally dozens of ways that we can be upset with someone for something and will require us to forgive them.

Now, holding a grudge is very foreign to me, I have mentioned in the past that even when I try and do so, I am unable to. It is one of my spiritual gifts. However, the whole thought process behind holding a grudge almost seems laughable to me. What does it hurt the other person if you stay mad at them? What harm does it cause them? Do they even notice that you are upset with them? Does it affect their life in anyway? Unless you are in some kind of authority over them to make their life miserable, they probably don't notice in the slightest to be honest. They are going on with their lives completely unaffected where as you are being eaten up inside by hostility and unhappy feelings. You are literally damning yourself for something that the other person may not even remember. Is it really worth it?

Now, I'm not saying that forgiving others is easy. Hardly. It can be one of the most difficult things to do, period. For most people anyway. As we strive to overcome our challenge with forgiving others however we will learn to view people the way the Christ sees them. And then it will not be a challenge but a pleasure to forgive those around us. There's really not much more to say than that. Until tomorrow.

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