Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Gifts of the Spirit

Today I read Doctrine and Covenants section 46 which is mainly about the gifts of the Spirit. However there is a part in the beginning stating that Latter-day Saints are not to forbid entry into their Sacrament meetings. In the early days of the church the Saints would only allow members of the church and people who were investigating the church with intent to join to attend one of their sacrament meetings. The Lord gave this revelation to the leaders to let them know that all are welcome, including those who are just curious. I have met several people in my day who are really strong members who just literally wandered into a church meeting one day to see what was going on.

All are welcome to our meetings and we have nothing to hide. But like Moroni 10, the bulk of this chapter is taken up by the Lord revealing the gifts of the Spirit. Most are gifts we have heard of before, but some I would not have thought of as gifts of the Spirit but rather as just talents people have. So it has me wondering, are all talents, righteous ones anyway, gifts of the Spirit? The two gifts that I'm referring to as being a little less than normal are the gift to know the differences of administration and the gift to know the diversities of operations.

It does not go into a lot of description about what these two gifts are and what they mean, but when I read/hear them, I think of those natural born leaders that just seem to have a knack for running offices and being successful in business. However, despite the church not being secular and being of the Spirit, it still has a LOT of similarities to a business or an office and a bishop is required to do a lot of managing. And I am confident that most people who have had dealings with several bishops, branch and stake presidents will agree with me, they are not all created equal. Some are masters of statistics and the wards and stakes function like well oiled machines. Where as others have opportunities for improvement, sometimes lots of them. But I had never until now considered that those people who have that gift for management received it as a gift from the Lord.

The rest of the gifts are ones we have heard of many times before and should not be a surprise to anyone really. The gift of the word of wisdom, to heal, to be healed, to work miracles, to prophesy, discerning spirits, speak in tongues, interpretation of tongues, and several others. Most of these are self explanatory, but I want to speak for just a moment on the discerning spirits gift. I wasn't quite sure what it meant, but then I noticed a footnote down at the bottom of the page that referenced the book of Moses, specifically when Moses speaks to Satan and tells him to get hence because he can discern between the Spirit and Satan.

Now, all are given the light of Christ and can tell right from wrong. All can discern when something makes them feel happy or uncomfortable. However, we read in the scriptures that sometimes the devil can disguise himself so well that even the very elect are deceived. There is even a section in the Doctrine and Covenants where it states at one time the devil transformed himself into an angel of light so convincingly that he fooled Joseph Smith and only Adam, the first man, appearing and pointing it out to Joseph saved him for the trap of the enemy. So I think that the discerning of spirits gift is like a stronger version of the light of Christ. I think you can see through the wiles of the evil one and know who to trust and see through the facade of those who would cause you harm.

All gifts come from God and all are meant to be used to bless the lives of others, much like the Priesthood. As we strive for the gifts of the Spirit, much like riches, we will find them if our intent is to use them to bless the lives of others. The Lord knows each of us better than we know ourselves. He knows if we will use His gifts appropriately or not. As our will comes closer into alignment with His, we will be blessed with more gifts, but also more responsibility to use them appropriately. And like the parable of the talents, he who uses them wisely will be blessed with more and so on and so forth. If you are blessed with gifts of the Spirit, be sure to use them appropriately and wonderful things will happen and you will be able to be an instrument in His hands! Until tomorrow.

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