Thursday, December 15, 2011

Focus on the Basics of the Gospel

Today I read 2 Timothy 2 and I've got to be honest that nothing about this chapter stood out to me, nothing at all. There were several phrases that sparked thoughts and ideas, but they are mostly things that I have talked about in depth before. Such as the idea of avoiding contention, focusing on the things of Christ as opposed to the things of this world. All of which is very excellent advice and should be heeded by people of all generations. Right is right no matter what generation it is. It doesn't matter what the world does or thinks, right will still be right and that is all there is to it.

As I glance back over the chapter though, there is one phrase that kind of stands out to me. Paul says to avoid foolish and unlearned questions as they do gender strifes. In other words, there are some questions that we should not be asking. For example, I think an example of a foolish question would be asking where Kolob is. Or asking if Adam had a belly button, or if Jesus was married here on the earth. These are all questions that serve no purpose at all. For one thing, there is no proper answer for any of them, well except for Adam having a belly button, he did by the way, but there is no point to ask them. What does it matter to us if Jesus was married on the earth? Why does it matter where Kolob is? I can almost guarantee it we cannot see it with even our most powerful telescopes. So why bother even contemplating such things?

There is a reason that every General Conference, the speakers focus on the basics. Building up our faith, repenting of our sins. Prayer, being a good husband or wife. All these things are very basic because those are the things we need to be focusing on. No one in this life is a perfect spouse. Those are the types of things we can control. We can control if we say our prayers every day. We can control the quality of our prayers. We have control over how we exercise our faith and if we read our scriptures every day. Those are the things that will be of worth to us.

As we focus on the basics, we will get better and more spiritual. If we try and focus on the larger things that we can't answer anyway, we will only cause strife or create stumbling blocks for ourselves. Now, that is not to say that we can't ask or answer questions that don't have to do with the basics. If you are long time readers, you all know very well I like to ponder things that don't have answers to them and to try and work them around in my mind. But if push comes to shove, I will respond that the basics are where our focus needs to be, that is the only way we are going to be safe and make sure we are focused on the right things. Until tomorrow.

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