Friday, July 27, 2012

Salvation is a Gift from God

Today I read Deuteronomy 10 where Moses recounts the Lord giving him the stone tablets again except for the everlasting covenant of the higher priesthood.  I guess the Israelites knew they had been denied something but I'm not sure they understood what it was since they had not been told about it before Moses broke the tablets.  However, I do know what they lost and I mourn for them because of it.  I can't help but wonder if they had been given the higher priesthood if they would have remained righteous and would have accepted Jesus.  I know everything happens for a reason and it was prophecy that the Jews would reject Jesus so it was going to happen regardless, but I just can't help but wonder about it. 

The second part of the chapter Moses relays a commandment from the Lord to care for the stranger.  He reminds them that they were strangers in Egypt and the Egyptians cared for them, before turning on them and making them slaves at least.  It kind of reminds me of King Benjamin's sermon in Mosiah 4 where he reminds us that we are all beggars and stand in need of God's grace in each and every day.  Without God's help none of us would be able to survive even an instant.  God has given us everything and truly everything belongs to Him.  We are just borrowing, leasing, call it what you will, life, air, food, water, everything that we need to survive. 

Even our salvation is a gift.  Jesus came down and took upon Himself our sins.  If not for His selfless act, each and everyone of us would be damned and doomed.  We would not be able to progress anymore at all.  He makes it possible for us to receive the reward of our choosing.  We have the choice and we can strive for salvation or mediocrity as we see fit.  It is up to us.  Choose wisely.  Until tomorrow.

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