Thursday, July 29, 2010

Types of Symbols of Christ

Today I read Mosiah 17. Earlier this year I read through the Book of Mormon and I remember reading this chapter and a verse stood out to me above all others. It was verse 6.

Verse 6 is actually nothing special, about the only reason it stood out to me was the fact that they put Abinadi in prison for 3 days. It was the first time I had noticed that particular fact. The symbolism in the scriptures, not just the Book of Mormon but all the scriptures, all leading us to Christ just amazes me some days. There are several other places in the scriptures where this exact imagery is given. People get put into prison for 3 days, of course Jonah with the whale and several others which I will point out as I come across them.

The other part of this chapter which stands out to me is the conversion of Alma. Abinadi had no idea what effect his preaching would have and likely never knew that Alma believed him. However, as I read this chapter it reminds me of my own mission. To my knowledge there is only 1 person that I taught who got baptized that is still active in the church. But the knowledge that I was able to help even 1 person is phenomenal. I have read story after story of people who felt they were a failure as a missionary because they only baptized 1 person their entire mission or they baptized no one.

I have a really hard time stomaching these types of stories and how easily these people allow Satan to manipulate them and their thoughts. If you were a faithful missionary then your mission was a success. I say this because a true missionary will change all those he/she comes into contact with, and will perhaps most importantly of all, it will change himself/herself.

The success of a mission is NOT based on how many people you help get baptized it is how faithfully you serve. A mission should be about improving lives, including the life of the missionary. Abinadi died knowing he had fulfilled all the commandments that God had given him. I'm sure the life he lived in the service to God changed him for the better. And that's what it really is all about. Serving God and improving ourselves in the process. Until tomorrow.

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